Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hump Day, Dump Day

Hump Day Link/Video Dump
I'll make it easy on Wednesday and keep it simple with a massive link/video dump. Enjoy.

Big 12 links
- If someone sends you a nasty e-mail and challenges your intelligence and your ability to do your job, how would you react. Here's how Texas A&M AD Bill Byrne reacted. We had a lot of fun with this on the show this morning.
- OSU money man T. Boone Pickens shared his thoughts on the conference. His video interview with the Austin-American Statesman is tremendous.
- Chip Brown at has been at the front of this realignment stroy from the get-go. Here's his recap of how the Big 12 came back to life. (Normally a subscription site, they are wisely offering for free as they capitalize on a rapidly growing subscriber base.)
- Berry Tremel of Oklahoman says it was Texas that got strong-armed.
- At Fanhouse, Clay Travis, who does great work (also has a radio show in Nahsville w/ Former Houston Oiler Blaine Bishop) has been hammering the Horns via twitter (@ClayTravisBGID). He now offers this piece to explain.
- From Aggieland, Robert Cessna says the Aggies got what they wanted. Just 1 thing left - winning. That's a pretty big item.
- Always good stuff on the Dr. Saturday blog at Yahoo sports. There's a couple good looks at the new Big 12, here's one of 'em.

- With the Texans holding their last offseason workout today - here's the list of training camp dates and locations for every NFL team. Are you ready for some football!!??
- Paul Kuharsky lays out the number one issue for the Texans in '10. See what it is...totally agree.

- The Onion gives a quick tutorial on World Cup Soccer.
- Tom Izzo announced after a two-week courtship that he was not going to coach the Cavs and would remain at Michigan State. Since he held his press conference as the NBA finals were ongoing, a lot of people missed this coach-reporter exchange. Check it out.

- Remember the Todd Bertuzzi sucker-punch to the head of Steve Moore. It was from February of 2004. Moore has filed a lawsuit which is still unsettled. He wants roughly $38 million in lost wages. But seeing this story TODAY, made me shake my head. Guess who Bertuzzi think should be held financially responsible? Totally ridiculous. Utterly embarassing. If you don't remember the hit, here it is again.

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