Tuesday, July 06, 2010

A Lost Weekend for 3 unfortunate souls

Our Question of the Day is a simple one - who had the worst weekend among former Georgia AD Damon Evans (he has since re-signed), former NFL QB Jamarcus Russell was arrested for possession of codeine (w/o a prescription) or former hot dog eating champion Kobayashi who was arrested for his antics following the Annual Hot Dog Eating contest that he was not participating in since he had a contract dispute!!!

The details on each is what I'll post for you today...followed by one last salute to the USA thru the magic of scantily-clad ladies in some very special swimwear. Enjoy.

Here's the detailed police report from the Damon Evans DUI arrest. This is some very classy stuff.

Jamarcus Russell's story can be found below in MJ's previous post.

The situation w/ Kobayashi is a good one too...check out the video story.

Now on to the chants...USA...USA...USA!!!

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