Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Roy O Set to Go?

Rumors heated up late last night and have stayed hot throughout the day that the Astros were in heavy conversations with the Phillies and likely a third team to trade Roy Oswalt. The Phillies are desperate for starting pitching, but are unlikely to have the prospects the Astros are looking for. That is why a third team - like Tampa possibly - could be brought in to give the Astros young players that are expected to be difference makers once they reach the major leagues.
It may not happen today, but it's gonna happen. Are you ready for this Astros fans?

Listen in tomorrow morning when Jim Callis from Baseball America joins us at 9am to talk about the prospects the Astros should be targeting.

- If you missed our interview w/ Texans QB coach Greg Knapp, check it out as he discussed working with Matt Schaub now a second time after working with him for his first three years in Atlanta. Listen closely for the reference to Rico. CLICK HERE.

- USC has a new AD and in accordance with the NCAA directive, they are disassociating themselves from Reggie Bush and OJ Mayo. Jerseys are being taken down, images too. They are also returning their replica Heisman Trophy they've had on hand from Bush's 2005 season. This doesn't mean Bush will have to relinquish the award, although the Heisman Trust is expected to meet later this month and this might be under consideration.

He won the award by a wide margin earning 784 of 902 possible first place votes. Vince Young finished a distant second. If Bush is striped of the trophy, should VY get it. Re-vote? (ummm, 5 years later I don't think so). Vacate the award for that season?? - I'll go with that. What do you say.

His former coach and current Seahawks head honcho Pete Carroll joins us tomorrow at 9:30. Got any questions for him??!!!
Did you want to skim through the NCAA findings on USC real quickly? CLICK HERE

- If you missed the Brad Miller press conference yesterday - see below. Rockets beat writer Jason Friedman also sat Miller down for an interview - check that out also. We had Miller with us just after 9:20 so check out the podcast (final hour).

- Did you hear our discussion about some of the odds for NFL MVP & Rookie of the year? Some respect shown in the betting lines from for a couple of Texans. CLICK HERE

- We had a field day with just how unbelievably ridiculous it is that Lindsay Lohan's jail time is being covered so thoroughly. The Larry King show's coverage of it pushed me over the edge. We cranked out most of this insane audio today on the show and just ripped it all to shreds. So take a look at the "pros & cons" of her jail time, thanks to the award-winning, razor-sharp coverage from King and his guests/contributors. Just so so sad...and mildly amusing.

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