Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

What was a bigger deal to you this weekend? The new Miami Heat and the what it means to the Rockets and the rest of the NBA? The re-birth of the Jeff Bagwell era for the floundering Astros? Spain's late tally to claim the World Cup? Too much to think about so I'll just help you waste time on a Monday with a massive link dump and can't miss videos.

- We'll start with a video knocking and mocking LeBron. Rich Eisen from the NFL Network takes a pretty good poke at "The Decision"

- While both LeBron and his former owner have been raked over the coals for being disrespectful to each other and to some extent the fans of Cleveland. If you haven't seen Dan GIlbert scathing letter, check out previous posts. However, James's former teammate and Jones HS product Daniel Gibson gets it. Here's how you treat and address your loyal yet despondent fan base. Here's an excerpt...
From day one the city embraced me and made me feel like I was home. My Second HOME. And as time went on I began to see why we connected. Cleveland is a never die city, city of loyalty, hard-workers, passion, desire, and toughness. A lot of the same characteristics I have in me and that inspired me.
Become a member of his site or check out the rest of his letter to the fans here.

- Rev. Jesse Jackson weighed on on the Gilbert letter adn most of what is being pulled from his statements is the following.

He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship–between business partners–and LeBron honored his contract.

Those are the comments that will get people to get pretty fired up - and I whole-heartedly disagree with is assessment and assumptions. But read his statement in its entirety and much of what he said is directed at the league and their responsibility to handle this situation. Read his full statement here.

- The World Cup ended with a thud with no score and little compelling action for the first 115 minutes of play b/w the Netherlands and Spain. Thankfully Spain put one in and won the Cup before penalty kicks were needed to determine the winner. But the World Cup at least provided us with these gems. Warning- I hope you're not eating, you'll lose your appetite.

- Never has a fist bump been so sadly hilarious. Thanks ESPN.

- The Astros dismissed Sean Berry as their hitting coach and replaced him with Astros legend Jeff Bagwell. Bags goes from retired player to special assistant to the GM to TV broadcaster to hitting coach. Such a typical mid-season move for the floundering Astros. He might be a good hitting coach , but talent is the issue, not the coaches so whenever Drayton McLane figures that out and dismisses Tal Smith and likely Ed Wade, it'll just be more of the same.

I heard this guy was going to be Bags' new assistant.

- This beauty comes from Seattle. I didn't realize they had the craziest fans. Or at least craziest fan. She loves her some Ichiro. Enjoy the international broadcast.

- To close you out...did you hear Mel Gibson screaming like a freaking lunatic at the mother of his young child? He's already under investigation for domestic violence. This second tape is not going to help at all. It's even worse than the worst and it is incredibly NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Listen with caution. Maybe we've seen his last movie - and none too soon. (Here is the first tape from via

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