Monday, July 26, 2010

Tuesday Top 5 - Motivation

We rolled out another Tuesday Top 5 today. Based on the interesting comments from Bob McNair (see below) we felt he might be looking for some motivational speakers. Here's what I came up with for motivational speakers that might work to get the team fired up.






- With less than a week to go before training camp, Bob McNair has spoken. He wants to win.
That's nothing new.
He's wants his players to care as much as he does.
Also, nothing new.
He also said he wishes some of what Brian Cushing was doing would rub off on some other Texans, like Mario Williams and Amobi Okoye. I'll share his exact quotes from the column in the Chronicle.

"Everybody I've talked to — strength coaches, assistant coaches, what have you — say Brian Cushing is the hardest-working athlete they've ever worked with, that his workouts are so strenuous that no one could compare."

"He pays the price. He works hard. That's the kind of intensity I think is good. Pollard brings that kind of intensity, too. You have to have it on defense. Defense is emotional. I'm hoping it'll rub off on Mario (Williams). If Mario could develop that kind of intensity with his athletic ability, oh my goodness."

You can read the whole column HERE and I encourage that. I hardly know where to start. One year of Cushing and the owner loves him - does he know that he's suspended for the first 4 games of next season? What about the fact that if he fails another test then he's gonna miss even more time or how about the crazy idea that maybe Cushing was so good and so crazy intense and passionate on the field is because he was skirting the rules?

Is this just a simple case of the owner calling out Mario? It's apparent that after 4 seasons, the owner thinks Mario is underperforming. He thinks they haven't gotten the best out of him yet. That remains to be seen. Winning cures all and this will go away as soon as that happens.

Other stuff you might have missed...

- Now here's how you bring something to the story as a reporter...although the guy is clueless.

- Most of the NBA wheeling & dealing is done. How'd your GM make out? Here's SBNation's ranking from 30 to 1.

- Imagine what Ron Artest's answers would've been when he was in grade school when asked what he did on summer vacation. This is what he does on summer vacation after winning his first NBA title.

- Let's say you are a good looking girl. You're 20 years old. You go to a party. There's a camera crew there from Girls Gone Wild. You dance for the camera, you play to the camera. You have your tank top pulled down to expose your breasts. You never give consent. You find out 4 years later, you are in a video title Girls Gone Wild Sorority Orgy...because your husbands friend tells you. You sue. You lose. Here are the details.

- H

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